Laser eye surgery totally freaks me out. I'll never forget when one of my best friends just had it done, and in a drug induced haze post op, he called me and told me "Don't EVER do it...remember that scene in Clockwork Orange when they had his eyelids pried open?" Of course later he said it was the best thing ever, but that was enough to scare me away from it forever. PLUS I love glasses...they make fun accessories.
I love expensive glasses, but I also <3 v="UiwjtyQjP8M." style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 266px;" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6b8Y18AmroU/SjKjjxGwMWI/AAAAAAAAADI/ipxOb6Znphk/s400/DSC_1630.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5346515542514610530" border="0">
A lot of optical places won't fill a cheap pair of glasses because the quality isn't there..yada yada yada. Same goes for vintage glasses. I had bought a pair of beautiful (and reasonably priced, I might add) vintage glasses (see below) at this fantastic shop in Pasadena called Old Focals (45 W. Green Street). Another great find, by the way...

These wonderful people at Old Focals told me about a place called Happy Eyes Optical (114 E. Wilson Avenue) in Glendale who will put prescription lenses into pretty much ANY pair of glasses you bring to them. They are really friendly and I've now gotten two pair of glasses done there. Their prices are reasonable and they do a great job.