My chiweenie has been wearing a very lightweight ribbon collar for the longest time. Then she decided to rub her neck in some poo which, in my mind, destroyed the collar. I began my search on my fave handmade site, etsy.
I came across this adorable can customize it, choose the color of the collar, the color of the flower, and even the color of the polkadots on the flower! The center is a sterling silver disc that has the pooch's name engraved as well as your phone number. No more jingling in the middle of the night! It's all self contained...AND it's only $20. That's a steal in my book, to get something customized in leather & sterling silver like that. It's made by PoochyCouture. Very fitting. <3
I wish I had a dog. I would totally get one. Maybe I can get one for myself. Dogs's can't be the only one's blinging.